Hair Transplant


Hair transplant is a surgical technique that involves moving of individual hair follicles from a part of the body known as the ‘donor site’ to a bald or balding part of the body called as ‘recipient site’. This is a minimally invasive procedure,in which hair graft that are genetically resistant to balding are transplanted to the bald scalp.With this technique, eye lashes, eyebrows, beard hair, chest hair, pubic hair can be restored and accidental scars can be filled and surgical scars like face lift, or of previous hair transplants can also be corrected.

As natural hair growth occurs in a group of 1-4 hairs, thus the modern technology can harvest and transplant them in their natural grouping form of 1-4 hair follicular units. And this helps in mimicking a natural appearance of hair. Thus this procedure is known as FOLLICULAR UNIT TRANSPLANTATION (FUT).
Methods of donor hair harvesting
  • Strip Harvesting
  • Follicular unit extraction or FUE harvesting.

Strip Harvesting

In this technique, local anesthesia is given in scalp tissue and then a strip of it is removed which is then cut into small pieces of grafts tissue. The wound is sutured together, which leaves a linear scar in the donor area. The grafts are transplanted into tiny recipient sites made in the thinning area of patients scalp. This technique involves a 2 week recovery period of patient and even requires removal of stitches from a medical professional.


When you have undergone a failed hair transplant surgery any hope of cosmetically normal feature seems to be hopeless
A significant number of hair restoration surgeries performed at Reviva Clinic are to collect the appearance of poorly performed hair transplants.
Some of these resulted from using outdated methods. Other problems were caused by poor techniques improper planning or poor patient selection.


The cause of an eyebrow defect may be a burn, trauma, alopecia areata, or hypothyroidism. Many individuals who need eyebrow transplantation, especially Asians, have patchy or thin (low density) eyebrows. A good outcome of results depends upon surgeon’s ability to reproduce the direction and angle of normal eyebrow with the use of single- hair grafts.
While observing the normal eyebrow, one notices the flat angle of the hair against the skin, the upward direction of growth in the medial part of the brow, and the convergence of hair in the lateral part.


Patients who have lost hairs from their beard/moustache due to any reason can also have their beard/moustache restored via FUE technique.For this, the donor hairs are extracted from the scalp to give a new definition to the patient’s already lost beard/moustache.

Looking forHair transplant in India ? Contact Reviva Clinic and schedule your free consultation today.

Hair Transplant